The SEASON FINALE has arrived and this Friday, March 12, will be the last episode we get to enjoy. Stay tuned for more news and details about the new season of this thrilling Disney Channel mystery series. more information Accept. March 12, 2021. Ben agrees that the right thing to do is for them to have it, but Jess has an idea. A boy and his family moving into a supposedly haunted hotel on the edge of a small town. If you enjoyed this post please give it a like, leave a comments, share it or pin it! During the reception, Wyatt and Zoey see a girl who looks just like Savannah and believe its one of Tophers tricks. When the power source to the time machine is unintentionally taken and the portal disappears, Harper becomes trapped in the past with her . When Topher heard Harper coming, he hid the blue gem in a bag. This might actually answer some questions, he says. History of sulpher springs has changed after past few years what happened next events to find savannah Dillion's ghost. The series will air its finale on Friday, March 12th, and during this "last episode" big news . She tells Griffin and Savannah that when she arrived to 1962 she was adopted by an awesome familyshe finally has a family. Harper and Griffin use the school library to look up newspaper articles about The Tremont, learning that it took Judge Walker 14 years to open the hotel because of construction delays, which they believe were caused by Graces ghost. 1. 25 Im super excited about the parallels and the comparisons, and youll definitely feel that in the finale.. 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Going into the 1960s, there are going to be quite a few racist bumps along the road for Harper., Curran adds that as soon as I saw that in the script, I was like, Good. March 12 2021, 1:10 PM PST. Ben takes her to her room so Jess can share the bad news about the springs. Secrets Of Sulphur Springs has been the perfect family show that we have all truly enjoyed watching together and having discussions about. As they leave the bunker, they see Sarah talking to the mirror, asking the ghost if theres anything she can do to help it move on. I hope the kids who are six to 11 years old who are watching havent experienced it, but its also good that we didnt sugarcoat racism that has happened in the past and still goes on today., 'Everything Everywhere All At Once' Continues Awards Season, Paul Mescal Wants to Keep Making Independent Films: 'Indie, Michael B. Jordan and Jonathan Majors Plan to Collaborate Like, Everything You Need to Know About Cordyceps Supplements in 2023, TVLine is a part of Penske Media Corporation. The grand opening of The Tremont forces them together as they stuff goodie bags for guests attending the ceremony. Stay tuned as we will have some thoughts on the full series after the finale airs. This season finale is like no other. Inside, Ben sees Sarah adding names to a waitlist for a reservation and he brags that he found the missing key to room 205, so they can book that room now. They hear a womans voice singing Amazing Grace as the glowing figure ascends up to the starry sky. The ribbon cutting ceremony takes place outside, with Jess, Sarah, and Ben all speaking about how their families came together to restor the Sulphur Springs landmark. They kept us at the edge of our seat until the last minute of the show. Topher is up late watching a scary movie that features a glowing orb. Griffin thinks it means that Daisy should go look in Harpers home. The 11-year-old Dallas native plays the role of Topher Dunn in the popular series that just premiered its second season last month. The first teaser was released during the premiere of the Disney Channel Original Movie, Upside-Down Magic. With Preston Oliver, Kyliegh Curran, Elle Graham, Madeleine McGraw. Arriving March 26 "Succession," Season 4 Premiere. 266. Harper says that Elijah just wants the farm to stay in their family and Judge Walker says thats what he wants too, handing her the paperwork for the deed transfer. After . in Series Title Original air date Production code 1 Once Upon a Time: A place to discuss the new Disney show Secrets of Sulphur Springs. Following the sound of music playing, they are led to a sitting room where a radio is on, the same one thats part of the time traveling hatch. Secrets of Sulphur Springs has a return date. Chris takes Harper to Jiffy, a cafe where they sit and have drinks before he heads back to his family, sharing that another Sunday tradition is having a picnic along the lake of The Tremont. Watch full episodes of Secrets of Sulphur Springs online. SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers for the Season 2 finale of Secrets of Sulphur Springs.. And Griffin didnt really understand. Disney hasnt yet announced a third season of Secrets of Sulphur Springs, but with a cliffhanger ending like that, I feel pretty confident that we will hear news of another season soon. Check out our BSCKids youtube channel Current favorite show is Amphibia. Annoucements; News; Episode discussion; r/SecretsSulphurSprings Rules. As they turn down Sugar Hill Road, Harper thinks the worst is behind them. He tells her he must have gone sleepwalking and begs her not to tell mom. Ben has moved the family from Chicago to take ownership of an abandoned hotel property, The Tremont. When he arrives he sees a red tin can with a letter in it. Click on the picture below to see a quick video of us making our . Someone who likes rocking chairs, Wyatt jokes. Were touching on that. I was most happy that they wrote it in the script that Griffin listened to Harper and didnt brush her off. Disney surprised Secrets of Sulphur Springsfans by premiering the entire second season today on Disney+and DisneyNow. The rush to the hospital to see him and while her mom talks to the doctor, Savannah goes to Sams bedside and whispers that the time machine works and she used it. . S2 E5 23m. This time she sees Griffin in the flames begging for help. Looking down on the ground, Griffin sees wet footprints on the wood floor that lead out into the carpeted hallway. Secrets of Sulphur Springs is a Disney Channel mystery series that premiered on January 15, 2021. Viewers must be enjoying that sci-fi feeling because Secrets of Sulphur Springs is the No. Harper comes into Griffin's home to tell his dad that Griffin has been hurt by the tree house. Its that room 205, he says. Ben apologizes to his father for not being more appreciative earlier about his offer to help restore the hotel. Daisy comes over to help Griffin search for the stone in the Zoey and Wyatts rooms, where they find Topher already digging through their stuff. Family Travel Blog With Google Map Included, Disneyland After Dark Sweetheart's Nite: Review and Tips, Disney's Secrets Of Sulphur Springs SEASON FINALE "Time After Time". If for some reason you didn't get to follow along with all the episodes, do not worry. She apologizes and starts walking about but then she has an idea! Is he the ghost of The Tremont? He makes the same mistakes he did then and when he confesses to not knowing how he won, Griffin says Maybe they stuffed the ballot box. Ben says he questioned that himself and then confesses to having dreamt about his time at camp last night, but he says Griffin was in his dream. Harper's mom is there to listen to the letter too and they are both in disbelieve but so happy. The series will drop 5 episodes on its first day being on the streaming service, with new episodes following every Friday through the season finale on April 9th. This is especially impressive because the series doesnt underestimate its audience. The credits start to roll and if you stay all the way through them, theres one additional shot of the outside of the farmhouse. Shes been saving up to open an upscale restaurant and says she would go into business with Ben and Sarah as a 50/50 partner, allowing her to open her restaurant inside the hotel. In 1960, Savannah asks Sam about the radio and he accuses her of spying on him. Returning home, Harper is elated that Graces spirit has been set free. Harper and Griffin arrive to 1962 and Savannah runs into them. They head down into the bunker. Season 2 episodes (8) After time travelling through the portal to 1930, Harper and Griffin unravel the mystery of who's been haunting the Tremont Hotel all along. Griffin is in 2024 and The Tremont is on fire. It doesnt matter anyway because the stone is now in the hands of Wyatt and Zoey, who search for more at the springs.